Sunday, April 27, 2008

Voki Tutorial

by Jenny and Anne Maree using Camtasia

As for bitstrip we have created a video tuturial for you to follow.

*The children will be creating their own voki character responding to environmental issues.

The children's task is to:

  • Watch tutorial on 'How to use Voki'
  • Write a script that demonstrates their understandings of Sustainability e.g. Saving Water at home
  • Once edited, and script is finalized, children must practise with peers to ensure their oral presentation reflects criteria set for effective oral presentations.
  • Children create their character
  • Children record their response to Sustainability using Voki voice recorder.
  • Teacher to check final presentation
  • Save to designated area before attaching to class blog

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Peer Tasks

Hi Fellow Students

Your task is to create a 'Voki Character'
Your mission is to be a 'Sustainability Crusader'.
To gain ideas please visit St Joseph's and Holy Saviour's Wiki and Blog spaces.
Here you will find our children's thoughts and ideas on how to save the environment.
Please find below a link to a Camtasia tutorial on how to access and use Voki.