Sunday, June 8, 2008

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Virtual Learning Environment - Assignment 2- Peer Review

Living and Learning in an Online World
Children communicating using Online Environments to share their knowledge & understandings of Sustainability
Jenny Rohan & Anne Maree Jones
St.Joseph's and Holy Saviour are endeavouring to teach their students Sustainable practices. Our project is designed for both schools to learn, collaborate and share their knowledge through the use of a variety of web 2.0 tools. The children participating in this online project are primary school children in Grades 4, 5 and 6 who are approximately aged between 9-12 years of age and have daily access to computers and the internet at their respective schools. Our responsibility as educators is to provide learning opportunities for students to utilise these tools which prepare them with the skills for contributing to a world where “they will spend their lives in a multi tasking, technology driven, diverse, vibrant world’

This blog is designed for fellow Flexible Learning Environment students to access and trial and explore our online activites designed for our children as directed in Assignment 2. The two tasks that we want Flexible Learning Environments peers to complete is to watch tutorial video Voki and Bitstrip and respond through Praze software. We have created two tutorial videos using Camtasia software to demonstrate how to use these online tools. Please find links to the tutorials below.Don't forget to click on Sustainable Sally to hear what the children need to do to complete tasks.

An online tool that allows student to create a character and add text or voice and publish on the web.

Is an online comic strips allows students to create a comics and publish them on the web.

Both these tasks are being used as web 2 tools that assist children in investigating and responding to Sustainability Practices.

Please feel free to peruse and provide feedback on other elements of our cross collaborative project which includes use of a variety of web 2.0 tools:

  • myclasses (Learning Management System) called Sustainability (This LMS contains a variety of tools including forums, discussion room, journals as well as weblinks and documents).
  • blogs - both edublog (St.Joseph's) and blogger (Holy Saviour)
  • wikis - using wikispaces

(all these sites are a work in progress and will be developed over time)


Please click on link below where Jenny and Anne Maree have posted their Evaluation questions.

Evaluation Questions using Wiki Spaces

Your feedback can be posted on the above Wikispaces link using the discussion tab at the top. Thank You

Using Blogs

Both schools are using blogs to share their learnings with each other.
To view an example of student blogs click on the links below.
Holy Saviour blog link St Joseph's School and Holy Saviour TV Station (Instructional & Information Videos)

Using wikispaces

We used wikispaces to help us plan our online unit of work for children.
Jenny and Anne Maree's Wiki Planning space
One our our online Learning activities is for children from both schools to contribute to a wikispace we set up. Click on link below to access children's wikispace.
Kids Making a Difference Wikispace

LMS myclasses Sustainability

We have created an LMS for our children to use in order to view our myclasses page you will need to login into this site click on link below.
LMS myclasses page called Sustainability
To access this page you need a username and password
password: vleuni
Please note all links to blogs and wikis are accessible from this page.

Saving The World

Using Bitstrips Comic Strip Creator, we want you to create a comic strip of one to three frames depicting an environmental conservation, wise water use or your own personal crusade!

Bitstrip Tutorial

by Jenny and Anne Maree using Camtasia

Instructions for children using Bitstrips

  • Children view Bitstrip Tutorial
  • Children create a comic which reflects an environmental issue e.g Reduce Re-use, Recycle and Refuse with the focus being, sending a message to fellow classmates including across schools regarding the importance of Sustainable practices.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Voki Tutorial

by Jenny and Anne Maree using Camtasia

As for bitstrip we have created a video tuturial for you to follow.

*The children will be creating their own voki character responding to environmental issues.

The children's task is to:

  • Watch tutorial on 'How to use Voki'
  • Write a script that demonstrates their understandings of Sustainability e.g. Saving Water at home
  • Once edited, and script is finalized, children must practise with peers to ensure their oral presentation reflects criteria set for effective oral presentations.
  • Children create their character
  • Children record their response to Sustainability using Voki voice recorder.
  • Teacher to check final presentation
  • Save to designated area before attaching to class blog

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Peer Tasks

Hi Fellow Students

Your task is to create a 'Voki Character'
Your mission is to be a 'Sustainability Crusader'.
To gain ideas please visit St Joseph's and Holy Saviour's Wiki and Blog spaces.
Here you will find our children's thoughts and ideas on how to save the environment.
Please find below a link to a Camtasia tutorial on how to access and use Voki.